The Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies


The Ukraine Crisis

A Russian-Slovene Conversation

Yegor Gaidar and Ljubo Sirc discuss international economic co-operation and other topics.

The Ukraine Crisis


Based on discussion at the CRCE led by Dennis O'Keeffe and Helen Szamuely

The Ukraine Crisis

Adrift On A Stone Raft: The Present Situation in Romania.

Based on a talk given at the CRCE by George Ross.


Encouraging Entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe
(Click title to download)

A CRCE Colloquium in Bled, Slovenia - October 2005
Andrzej Brzeski et al.

New Series No. 22, September 2006

ISBN: 0-948027-46-0 Price: £11.95

Lure of

The Lure of State Capitalism

A CRCE Colloquium - Slovenia, September 2012

Part I - The limitations of economics as a guide to the choice of economic institutions and the
prediction of fundamental change

Part II - Relations between business and the state in liberal theory, in Russia and elsewhere
Appendix I - Olga Kuznetsova
Appendix II - Tomasz Mickiewicz
Part III - Pros and Cons of State Capitalism:
with the examples of Asia, Russia, South America & Europe

Close Designs
          and Crooked Purposes

Close Designs and Crooked Purposes - Forced Repatriations of Cossacks and Yugoslav Nationals in 1945.
(Click title to download)

By Nikolai Tolstoy. Introduction by Charles Crawford.

Occasional Paper No. 16

ISBN: 978-0-948027-65-9 Price: £10.00

          And The West

Islam and The West: The theology behind the history.
(Click title to download)

By Robert R. Reilly. Introduction by John H. Moore.

Occasional Paper No. 15

ISBN: 978-0-948027-62-8 Price: £10.00


Demographics and Migration in Europe, East & West

A CRCE Colloquium
Contributors include: Bernard Brscic, Jan Fidrmuc, Philip Hanson, John H. Moore, Tomasz Mickiewicz, Steve Pejovich, Robert R. Reilly, Joel Anand Samy, Natasha Srdoc, Oana-Valentina Suciu, Krassen Stanchev, Galina Yemelianova, Alexey Zhuravskiy 

New Series 27

Part I - Migration in Europe - Bulgaria
Part II - Migration in Europe - Romania
Part III - Migration in Europe - Discussion
Part IV - Islam in the Western Balkans
Part V - Islamic Activism in Eurasia
Part VI - Islam in Contemporary Russia

Complete Book available for download HERE

Colloquium 2009: European Conscience and Communism

First of the CRCE web-only publications - record of the 2009 colloquium in Zaplata.
With contributions from Andrzej Brzezski, Philip Hanson, Andrei Illarianov, Geza Jeszensky, Oleg Manaev, Miroslav Prokopijevic, Karl Peter-Schwarz and Krassen Stanchev.

New Series 26

Part I - Experiences of Accesion to EU
Part II - Russia's Economic Relations
Part III - Relations Between Countries
Part IV - Europa, Russia and the Countries in Between

A Russian-Slovene Conversation. Memorial Edition

Yegor Gaidar and Ljubo Sirc discuss international economic co-operation and other topics

Occasional Paper No. 10

ISBN: 978-0-948027-51 Price £8.50

The Rule Of Law In The Market Economy: Two Aims Of Transition

by Svetozar Pejovich & Others

New Series No. 25, July 2009

ISBN: 978-0-948027-56-7

The Future of Capitalism after the Collapse of Communism

Contributors include: Phillip Hanson et al;

Introduction: Andrzej Brzeski;

New Series No. 24, October 2008;

ISBN: 978-0-948027-55-0 Price £11.95

A Tribute to Ralph Harris by the CRCE

with contributions from Yegor Gaidar and Václav Klaus and others.

Occasional Paper no. 14, price £9.95 June 2008.

The Problems for Post-Communist Countries in the Context of the European Union

Contributors include: Tim Congdon, Victoria Curzon-Price, Raul Eamets, Sebestyén Gorka, Silvana Malle, John H. Moore, Miroslav Prokopijevic Krassen Stanchev, Roger Sandilands, Ljubo Sirc and Jan Winiecki. Introduction: Andrzej Brzeski

New Series No. 23, September 2007;

ISBN: 978-0-948027-54-3 price £11.95

Encouraging Entrepreneurship in Eastern Europe: A CRCE Conference in Bled, Slovenia, October 2005

Andrzej Brzeski et al.

New Series No. 22, September 2006, pp. 190;

ISBN: 0 948027 46 0 price £11.95

From Crisis to Growth

Vladimir Mau

New Series No. 21, February 2005, pp. 305;

ISBN: 0 948027 45 2 price: £25.00


Dennis O’Keeffe and Helen Szamuely

Occasional Paper No. 13, September 2004, pp.32;

ISBN: 0 948027 43 6 price £7.50

Looking Forward To The Past: The Influence Of Communism After 1989 (details online)

Richard Pipes et al. A CRCE Conference in Bled, Slovenia

New Series No. 20, October 2003, pp.131;

ISBN: 0 948027 42 8 (pb) price £11.95

Can the Russian Economy Keep On Growing? (details online)

Philip Hanson

Occasional Paper No. 12, March 2003, pp.32;

ISBN: 0 948027 41 X (pb) price £7.50

Estonia: Little Country That Could

Mart Laar. Foreword: Sir Geoffery Pattie

New Series No. 19, July 2002, pp.392;

ISBN: 0 948027 40 1 (pb) price £20.00

European Union or Not? (read online)

Papers by Pedro Schwartz and Vaclav Klaus

Occasional Paper No. 11, November 2001, 2nd printing October 2002, pp.44;

ISBN 0 948027 39 8 (pb) price £7.50

A Liberating Economic Journey: Post-Communist Transition Essays in Honour of Ljubo Sirc (details online)

Edited by Andrzej Brzeski & Jan Winiecki

New Series No. 18, January 2001; ISBN: 0 948027 37 1 (hb) price £40.00;

ISBN: 0 948027 28 X (pb) price £20.00

Ten Years of Russian Economic Reform – A Collection of Papers

Sergei Vasiliev. Foreword: Yegor Gaidar

New Series No. 16, March 1999, pp.133;

ISBN: 0 948027 30 4 (pb) price £9.95

Trends in Development of Transition Countries: Characteristics and Possibilities of Slovenia in Comparison with Other Post-Communist Countries and the European Union

Marko Kos, edited by Roger Clarke

Occasional Paper No. 5, October 1998, pp.70;

ISBN: 0 948027 29 0 (pb) price £9.50

A 'Coming Home' or Poisoned Chalice?

Bill Jamieson & Helen Szamuely. Foreword: Rt Hon. Michael Portillo

Occasional Paper No. 4, March 1998, pp.104; ISBN: 0 948027 28 2

(pb) price £8.50

Reforming the Russian Economy, 1991-1995

Aleksei Ulyukaev. Preface: Ljubo Sirc

New Series No. 15, January 1997, pp.133;

ISBN: 0 948027 27 4 (pb) price £9.95

Five Years After June: The Polish Transformation 1989-1994

Edited by Jan Winiecki. Preface: Norman Macrae

New Series No. 14, July 1996, pp.140;

ISBN: 0 948027 26 6 (pb) price £9.95

The Political History of Economic Reform in Russia, 1985-1994

Vladimir Mau. Foreword: Robert Skidelsky

New Series No. 13, January 1996, pp.135;

ISBN: 0 948027 25 8 (pb) price £9.95

Privatisation: An International Symposium

Bled, February 1992

New Series No. 8, November 1992, pp.133;

ISBN: 0 948027 20 7 (pb) price £6.50

The Psychology of Post-Totalitarianism in Russia

Leonid Gozman & Alexander Etkind. Translated by Roger Clarke. Preface: Charles Janson

New Series No. 7, August 1992, pp.121;

ISBN: 0 948027 19 3 (pb) price £6.50

What’s To Be Done?

Gavrill Popov

New Series No. 6, January 1992, pp.72;

ISBN: 0 948027 18 5 (pb) price £5.50

St Petersburg-Leningrad Papers. How to Save the Soviet Economy?

New Series No. 4, June 1991, pp.72;

ISBN: 0 948027 16 9 (pb) price £5.95

The Polish Transformation: Programme and Progress

Janusz Beksiak, Tomasz Gruszecki, Aleksander Jedraszczyk, Jan Winiecki, Olivier Blanchard and Richard Layard

New Series No. 1, July 1990, pp.83;

ISBN: 0 948027 13 4 (pb) price £5.95

Order – With or Without Design? Selections from F.A. Hayek’s Contribution to the Theory and Application of Spontaneous Order

Compiled and Introduced by Naomi Moldofsky. Comment: Sudha R. Shenoy

Occasional Paper No. 3, December 1989, pp.198;

ISBN: 0 948027 11 8 (pb) price £7.95;
ISBN: 0 948027 12 6 (hd) price £12.95

The image above depicts Professor Hayek at Buckingham Palace, 25 October 1984, after Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II had appointed him a Companion of Honour. Copyright David Farrer and John Raybould.

What Must Gorbachev Do?: A Discussion Paper

Ljubo Sirc. Preface: Ralph Harris

Occasional Paper No. 2, March 1989, pp.27;

ISBN: 0 948027 10 X (pb) price £2.00

Economic Prospects – East and West; A View from the East

Jan Wineicki. Comment: Roger Clarke

Understanding Economic Systems No. 3, May 1987, pp.136;

ISBN: 0 948027 06 1 (pb) price £5.00

Marxian Utopia?

Neven Sesardic and Domenico Setternbrini. Preface: Frank Chapple

Understanding Economic Systems No. 1, January 1985, pp.79;

ISBN: 0 948027 01 0 (pb) price £3.50

Briefing Papers

Political Opposition, Youth and the Future of Democracy in Russia (read online)

Luke March

June 2007

price £7.50

Western Broadcasting in the Cold War and After: Was it worth it and is it worth it today? (read online)

Elisabeth Robson

May 2007

price £7.50

Belarus and Russia Today (read online)

Oleg Manaev

February 2007

price £7.50

The Hungarian Uprising: Fifty Years On (read online)

Sebestyén v. Gorka

December 2006

ISBN-10: 0-948027-64-9; ISBN-13: 978-0-948027-64-2, price £7.50

Ethnic Minorities In Romania In the Light of EU Integration

Oana-Valentina Sucui (University of Bucharest)

June 2006

The Roots of Islamist Ideology

By Robert R Reilly (Crisis Magazine)

February 2006

How the East was Won: What Next for NATO and EU One Year after Enlargement?

By Sebestyén v. Gorka, Richard North & Helen Szamuely

September 2005

The Constitution of the CRCE requires that its Trustees and Advisers dissociate themselves from the analysis contained in it's publications
but it is hoped that readers will find this studies of value and interest