Andrzej Brzeski
Professor Emeritus, Department of Economics,
University of California at Davis
The years of post-communist reforms
have yet to result in a sound private market economy. Neither the sundry
privatisation schemes nor the foreign capital inflow have apparently been
enough. Russia, where the failure has been egregious, is a case in point.
“Progress in institutional reforms has been remarkable, but not sufficient to
create a business friendly environment,” the OECD’s Silvana
Malle concluded soberly. Conditions are better in
other parts of Eastern and Central Europe, but, with few exceptions (e.g.,
Estonia) hardly satisfactory. The dead weight of communism can still be felt. Yukos, Sibneft and their lesser
counterparts elsewhere are unlikely to provide a remedy because they are
altogether too close to—and dependent on—governments suspicious of, if not
outright hostile to, capitalism. As leftovers of the central planning system
they themselves lack the grounding, and experience, in genuine private
enterprise. Russia’s “oligarchs” and their like, successful as they may be in
exploiting the opportunities to get rich quickly, are hardly representative of
capitalist spirit at its best.
What is needed at this stage to
breathe life into the historic transformation project is a massive build up of
private enterprise from below. A proliferation and success of small and
medium enterprises (SMEs)—almost completely
annihilated by the communists and still underrepresented in the countries of
the former Soviet bloc—is essential to success.
As Western European and American
experience clearly demonstrates, the SMEs constitute
a vital component of the economy. They account for a large share of output and
employment and, often, are on the cutting edge of progress. Hewlett-Packard,
Intel, Microsoft and, in the more remote past, also Ford and many other
pioneering enterprises began small. Most famously perhaps, the two Steves—Jobs and Wozniak—started their revolutionary Apple
computer venture in a . . . garage. The economic potential of the SME’s—which are the true fruit of freedom—is undeniable. So
is their social and political significance. It is difficult to conceive of a
vibrant civil society and a well-functioning democratic polity without a class
of independent owners. They seem a necessary condition of a civilised order;
there is no historic counter-example so far.
With several post-communist states
having joined the E.U. there should be both opportunities and pressures to
reduce the economic gap and institutional differences between the two parts of
Europe. Growth of the SME’s is an important part of
the convergence process. It will require a variety of legislative, fiscal and
financial measures. Although the guiding principle is the Hippocratic primum non nocere,
there is room for positive action facilitating progress. National, provincial
and local governments must necessarily be involved, as well as banks, including
the international ones, especially the EBRD.
Obviously, neither the availability
of finance, nor government policies, however business friendly, guarantee a
favourable outcome. Many variables, some economic and rather obvious, others
more vague, usually subsumed under such categories as “culture,” “tradition,”
“national characteristics,” are involved. Their interplay determines the
For a better understanding of the
role of SMEs in economic development as well as of
conditions propitiating their success, the relevant experience of the West must
be studied. Italy (and possibly Spain) are instructive
cases. In both of these countries—latecomers to modern industrialisation—the
role of SMEs was of great importance. It was
especially striking in Italy. Forni and Paba, in an illuminating study,
conclude that in “the Italian provinces during the period 1971-1991 . . . local
growth is strongly affected by the diffusion of specialised industrial
districts made up of small and medium-sized firms.” Relevant discussion can
also be found in other works, including those of Beratini,
Becattini, Brusco, and Fenoaltea. Only a part of this literature is available in
The story of the Italian SME’s is best learned at the source. And so is, for that
matter, the story of the more recent setback dealt by relentless competitors
from less-developed countries, especially China, to what has been labelled Terza Italia. To this effect, a few of us
have thought about organising in loco a conference on the Italian
experience. In dealing with the subject both analytically and historically, we
would hope to illuminate those aspects of the Italian situation likely to have
bearing on Eastern and Central Europe. In some measure, the lessons might be
helpful in advancing the post-communist transformation.